Galactic Politics:
Terrestrial Politics:
- Great interview on Global Development Podcast!
- Brazil’s president is rallying his base — so that he can expand his power. (The Monkey Cage blog, The Washington Post, May 11 2021)
- Trump’s failures could illuminate a path for Bolsonaro’s success.(Mischiefs of Faction, 19 Jan 2021)
- Fracassos de Trump podem iluminar caminhos para sucessos de Bolsonaro. (Época, 18 Jan 2021)
- Argentina legalized abortion. Here’s how it happened and what it means for Latin America. (The Monkey Cage blog, The Washington Post, 18 Jan 2021)
- Symposium: What does political science teach us about opposition boycotts in Venezuela? (Mischiefs of Faction, 16 December 2020)
- Anti-democratic you-know-what happens. Is it a coup? (Mischiefs of Faction, 20 November 2020)
- The impending coronavirus catastrophe: Brazil is a sitting duck. (Mischiefs of Faction, 27 March 2020)
- When it comes to impeachment, false negatives are more dangerous for democracy than false positives. (Mischiefs of Faction, 31 January 2020)
- What explains the troubles facing Evo Morales, Trump, and Lula? Maybe the problem is the presidency. (Mischiefs of Faction, 27 November 2019)
- India’s Ayodhya Verdict Threatens Democracy, not Secularism. (Mischiefs of Faction, 20 November 2019)
- Catholic leaders in the Amazon are talking about ‘ecological conversion.’ Here’s what this means. (Washington Post, Monkey Cage blog, 13 Nov 2019)
- Evangelicals in Brazil see abuse of God’s earth as a sin – but will they fight to save the Amazon? (The Conversation, 6 November 2019)
- Will Chile’s Protests Turn Out Like Brazil’s? Not Necessarily (Mischiefs of Faction, 29 October 2019)
- Did social media cause the rise of right-wing authoritarianism in liberal democracies? (Mischiefs of Faction, 28 August 2019)
- A Party Manifesto (This post launched the rebooted Mischiefs of Faction 3.0, 12 August 2019)
- Brazil’s Bolsonaro took a page from US politics by dangling the possibility of an evangelical Supreme Court Justice (Mischiefs of Faction blog, Vox, 31 May 2019)
- Venezuela’s uprising shows the potential dangers of a civilian-military alliance (Mischiefs of Faction blog, Vox, 1 May 2019)
- Bolsonaro’s Evangelical Support is Falling. Why? (Americas Quarterly, 11 April 2019)
- Will evangelical legislators go along with the rightist agenda of Brazil’s Bolsonaro? (Mischiefs of Faction blog, Vox, 26 February 2019)
- What does authoritarianism have to do with Venezuela’s food fight? Everything. (Mischiefs of Faction blog, Vox, 25 February 2019)
- Brazil’s Bolsonaro moves to expand gun rights (with Ryan Lloyd; Mischiefs of Faction blog, Vox, 27 January 2019)
- How you think about raising children says a lot about your political views (Vox, 29 November 2018)
- For Latin America’s Evangelicals, Bolsonaro Is Just the Start (Americas Quarterly, 12 November 2018)
- In Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro’s victory may mean further shifts in tolerance and moderation (Monkey Cage blog, The Washington Post, 2 November 2018)
- Com Bolsonaro, evangélicos passam do veto à proposição da agenda de costumes (Interview in El País, 30 October 2018)
- Did Brazilians vote against democracy on Sunday? (Mischiefs of Faction blog, Vox, 30 October 2018).
- Brazilian media report that police are entering university classrooms to interrogate professors. (Mischiefs of Faction blog, Vox, October 26, 2018).
- Eleições 2018: os valores e ‘boatos’ que conduzem evangélicos a Bolsonaro (Interview in BBC Brasil, 23 October 2018)
- “Ideologia de gênero” é o que mais mobiliza eleitor evangélico
(Interview in Deutsche Welle, 19 October 2018)
- Top Pentecostal Leaders Supported the Far Right in Brazil’s Presidential Campaign. (Mischiefs of Faction blog, Vox, 8 October 2018).
- The Political Consequences of Hiding Abuse (Mischiefs of Faction, 28 August 2018)
- Why Catholic Countries Are Suddenly Debating Abortion (Mischiefs of Faction blog, Vox, 9 August 2018)
- Could the United States Become a Different Kind of Democracy? (interview in The New York Times, July 19, 2018)
- Religious Conflicts in Jerusalem May Not Have Political Solutions (Mischiefs of Faction, 18 May 2018)
- Could Corruption Investigations Undermine Democracy in Latin America? (Mischiefs of Faction blog, Vox, 17 May 2108)
- Is Costa Rica’s Presidential Election a Victory for Liberalism? (Mischiefs of Faction blog, Vox, 2 April 2018)
- Signs of Democratic Demise in Latin America (this is my first post for a new monthly gig for the Mischiefs of Faction blog on Vox, 14 February 2018)
- Brazil’s Crisis: How Fighting Corruption Could Imperil Political Stability (Interview in The New York Times, 27 May 2017)
- How Does Christianity Affect Support for Environmental Protection? (Religion in Public Blog, 18 April 2017, with Paul Djupe)
- Do Clergy Influence Citizens’ Attitudes about Mixing Religion and Politics? (Religion in Public blog, 6 April 2017)
- Does Which Public Want Clergy in Politics? (Religion in Public blog, 14 March 2017)
- All Impeachments are Political. (Interview in The New York Times, 1 September 2016)
- Here’s What Citizens Who Vote for Authoritarians Have in Common (Monkey Cage Blog, The Washington Post, 2 November 2016)
- Is the Impeachment Trial of Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff a Coup? (Monkey Cage Blog, The Washington Post, 20 April 2016)
- Do Americans Still Believe in Democracy? (Monkey Cage Blog, The Washington Post, 9 April 2016)
- Pastors and Politics (AmericasBarometer Insights Report)
About me:
- Profile on my work at the Kellogg Institute for International Studies at the University of Notre Dame (15 June 2017)
Other Things: